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Questions by: Marc Ashed

Steven Rea is a movie critic that writes for the Philadelphia Inquirer and can be easily read off of

Q: Do you have a certain criteria or checklist of sorts to review movies?

A: Not anything that's written in stone, or set in concrete. My response to a film remains to a large degree instinctive. If a movie works -- no matter what genre, or what the filmmakers set out to accomplish -- it works, and I try to articulate why. If it doesn't, it doesn't, and I try to articulate why as well.

Q: As a critic, do you see any correlation between money spent advertising and ticket revenue? Can a bad movie still make money due to the constant advertising?

A: Massive hype can make a difference with opening weekend box office, and opening weekends now count for so much of a film's ultimate take. But audiences can still sense a real stinker, no matter how aggressively it's being marketed to them.

Q:Do you feel that movies are beginning to incorporate more than just entertainment value and are now trying to persuade or spin their own messages (the way people say Avatar is a sort of protest against American military actions is an example)?

A: It's not a question of "now." Movies -- some movies -- have always pushed an agenda, subtlely or overtly. After all, there are people with ideas trying to express their passions and concerns, their politics and beliefs, in these films.

Q:You graduated with a degree in Creative Writing; how do you feel that your education has prepared you to write movie reviews?

A: I've been a film lover my entire life, took film classes in school, was a projectionist for the film society and just had the good luck to combine my two passions -- writing and film -- into a job.

Q: With advanced technology, it is much easier for independent film producers to make their movies; do you feel that the big movie companies are in danger?

A: Not in danger of going under, but in danger of only making movies on an epic scale -- big "event" pictures and sequels and remakes -- and losing the impetus to make movies on a more modest scale.

Q: Are there any movies on the horizon that you think will be big hits?

A: I think "Kick-Ass," opening this weekend, will do well, and it's a given that the next "Harry Potter" and "Iron Man 2" will be huge.

Q: What are your personal top 5 favorite movies?

A: It's difficult to answer that question -- I have a rotating list of favorite films. But certainly some at the top include "Sullivan's Travels," "The Wizard of Oz," "Citizen Kane" and "In a Lonely Place," and more recently "There Will Be Blood," "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" and "Goodbye Solo."


I definitely want to see Kick-Ass. It looks like a good movie, and again these segmented clips do keep the movie looking cool and actually something worth seeing. However, my only concern with this post, is that it differs than the rest of your groups posts. I could barely read this post. Other than that I cannot wait to see Kick-Ass

April 15, 2010 at 1:46 PM  

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